Mandy's Mer-maid Cleaning Service
"Florida's Premier Cleaning Service"

We are Florida's premier home and office cleaning service. Our commitment to quality and focus on customer service is second to none.

Contact Information


Mandy's Mer-maid Cleaning service is located in Tavernier, Fl.
We service the Upper and Middle Florida Keys.
We provide house cleaning, apartment cleaning, vacation rental cleaning, new construction cleaning and office cleaning.

Contact Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday thru Saturday.
Service Hours: 8:00-5:00 Monday thru Friday.
Saturday Service Hours: 8:00-3:00

Call today for a free estimate or fill out the online quote form
and we will call or email you with a quote within a few hours.

For more information on our services please visit our
cleaning service page for a complete list.



Contact: Office 305-852-0552
Mobile 305-305-8841

Commitment to Quality


©Mandy's Mer-maid Cleaning Service 2005
Website by Patti Page